Thursday, October 23, 2008


Rebecca and John's wedding images will be feartured in Pgh Mag in their bridal issue in December. They had a Jimmy Buffet themed wedding at the Sheraton Station Square. Her mom actually designed and created her gown, the flower girls dresses and all the table linens. The tables were amazing with palm trees and coconuts. They also had a cupcake cake! Read all about their wedding in the magazine- these are a few pages from their book.


Our home is animal friendly- we have 2 dogs, 2 cats, 4 birds, 2 rabbits and a horse.
I have 4 parakeets at my office. There is a very good chance that when you'll hear them singing in the background. Everyone asks me if I have birds! They can get very loud, I admit. But I do like them!

This is in memory of our beloved little dog Kipper who passed away June 27. He was with us for 10 years and was Dani's "little old man, her bubby". We miss you terribly.

WHIRL Magazine

Whirl Magazine is featuring one of our couples, Melissa and Bill in their January edition!
Their engagement session was in Pgh and they had 2 wedding ceremonies. One was in Weirton and the other in Oglebay, WV. Here are a few favs-

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Boca Raton

Went to visit Nicole at the Boca Resorts in Florida. She'll be there for 4 months on her externship with Pgh Culinary. She's in Pastry.

It was beautiful, windy and hot. We went to the Pier at Ft Lauderdale by the Sea and to the Everglades.

Actually saw an alligator in the water.

Me and Nicole

Spent a day in Miami and South Beach.

I miss her!

Alisa and Stephen

This weekend we will be at Tara for Alisa and Stephen's wedding. We did their engagement photos in Central Park. Here is their webshow from that session. They were a lot of fun and I know their wedding will be awesome!

Tara is such a unique palce for a wedding and it suited Alisa and Stephen perfectly! You can view their show below: